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750g Sourdough Loaf

Nothing beats a properly made sourdough bread. Theres also no substitute for practice. Managing director Matthew Hewlett perfected his recipes whilst working as Head Chef at the two Michelin starred "The Ledbury" and shares one of his recipes. Don't get down hearted when it doesn't come out perfect first time. Keep practicing, It'll suddenly make sense!

750g Sourdough Loaf

  • 261g Wessex Mill strong white bread flour 

  • 93g Wessex Mill wholemeal bread flour 

  • 19g Shipton Mill rye flour 

  • 294g Water

  • 75g Sour dough starter,100% hydration

  • 8.2g Fine sea salt



  1. 1 hour autolyse

  2. Add starter mix 5 mins, leave 10 minutes

  3. Add salt mix 10 minutes

  4. 3 folds every 30 mins

  5. Followed by 2 coil folds

  6. Finish bulk fermentation, 2 hours

  7. Pre shape then rest for 20 – 30 min

  8. Final shape place in proving basket (dusted with rice flour)

  9. You might need to leave out of the fridge for 30min-1hour before retarding

  10. Leave 12-16 hours in fridge

  11. Pre heat the oven to 250c with Dutch oven inside

  12. Bake 250c with the lid on for 20 minutes, Lid off 220c 20-25 mins (I prefer a darker bake personally)

  13. Allow to cool

  14. Enjoy with cultured butter

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